Kicking off the Podcast section entirely dedicated to #BraccoStories!

Podcasts have now become part of everyone’s life, in the United States but also in Italy and the rest of the world. In fact, they can be listened to both online and offline by accessing them from the smartphone in free time, in the car, at the gym and on so many other occasions of the hectic and multitasking life that characterizes the new generations.

Research from BVA Doxa, presented exclusively in Sole24Ore in May 2022, showed that there are more than 13 million podcast listeners in our country and that the growth is not just a temporary trend because 53% of fans enjoy them regularly.

To keep up with the times, our Digital Historical Archive has created a new PODCAST section entirely dedicated to the listening of #BraccoStories.

But the new features don’t end there! Three new compelling stories enrich the company, innovation and culture sections of the site. Our readers and listeners can enjoy these new titles: “Bracco on the moon with the Apollo 11 astronauts“; “Bracco brings the first day hospital check-ups and procedures to Milan“; “From the perfume industry to the aura of the stage“.

PER COPERTINA_Sulla luna astronauti Apollo 11_2
foto copertina podcast bassa qualità
Prof Sergio Chiappa_40anni lavoro FB_1974

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