Corporate Heritage Awards 2022: the Bracco nomination

Just a few days after its official launch, the Bracco Digital Archive project received an important nomination from the second edition of the Corporate Heritage Awards 2022.

Sponsored by Leaving Footprints, the award, whose closing ceremony was held in Rome at the headquarters of Confindustria, saw the participation of 69 projects.

The Corporate Heritage Awards 2022 were born from the idea of bringing to the fore those companies that have distinguished themselves for their commitment to the enhancement and communication of their historical and cultural heritage, through strategies and tools that can highlight their uniqueness and excellence.

The aim of the competition, which has a high-profile Scientific Committee, is to tell the stories of enterprises to which the development of our country is linked. Stories that contribute to the spread of entrepreneurial culture are particularly appreciated.

“It is important for companies to leave a mark,” says Diana Bracco. “Businesses must therefore invest in heritage because it represents an asset in that it makes them unique and distinguishes them from their competitors. Another persuasive argument for investing in corporate heritage is that it strengthens corporate identity and culture, cements a sense of belonging, secures personal engagement, and serves as a compass pointing the way to future action. We are all aware that history shapes the future, which is why I am always reminding my nieces and nephews, as well as my youngest employees of the importance of remembering what happened before their time so that they may better aspire to change and continuous improvement.”

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